Many of our clients have been instructed by their workplaces to work from home this week as the world is the grips of this pandemic. Or maybe you've returned from overseas and have to self-isolate but want to keep the work flow going. We are offering them online sessions on Monday and Wednesdays and doing workplace group coaching session tomorrow on Google Hangouts. Global organisations like Apple and Facebook and large Australian companies like Telstra have all send workers home to work. Working from home can be both rewarding and frustrating for individuals and workplaces but todays blog will share some life coaching tips to help keep you balanced, productive and connected.
I've had a home office for more than 10 years now and experimented with it in my kitchen, lounge room, bedroom and now a dedicated office space with a door I can close off from the home. For professional life coaching sessions online it's been great to have a space that looks professional but I can access when the family is home or I want to work outside conventional hours. I also have a private consulting room and work on location at workplaces but working from the home office does require some discipline and good sense. I hope todays tips can support you through this change in your work life.
Get out of bed
The best you can do for your mental health and wellbeing, let alone your productivity if to get out of bed and off the couch and find a suitable space at home to set up for your work today. If you have roomies you share your home with that might mean being innovative and there could be an outdoor space that works while the weather is still fine.
Exercise during commute time
If your daily commute involves riding a bike to work or walking to work then use this time to get your daily exercise. Your daily exercise is good for your health and wellbeing and you don't want to lose this valuable daily habit and become too sedentary. You may use this exercise time to check in on elderly neighbour to see if they need food supplies or walking to your local shops for bread and milk.
Make your ideal home office
Create a private space that is away from other family members and let the family know when you're working you are off bounds. Lock the door if necessary. Put together a space that has all your requirements including a desk, comfortable chair, plants, window, lap top, printer, telecommunication tools, headset, charger and good coffee.
Take mindful breaks
When you work from home it can be easy to get distracted and wander to the fridge mindlessly for endless snacking; that's not the kind of break we are talking about. The idea of mindful breaks is taking regular breaks that involve you getting up and making a cup of tea, or going outside for some fresh air and watering the plants or taking a call while you walk around for some exercise and mind space. Use this time to check in with the mind, breath, body and emotional state.
Have clear boundaries
Clocking on at a certain time means you're more likely to shower and change out of your PJ's and get into work clothes before you begin. This can make you feel "grown up" and motivated to start your work day. Making sure you take a lunch break and finish work at a reasonable hour is also important too. This includes switching your phone off or automating your enquiry intakes when you have finished work for the day so work does not become a slave driver
Have a buddy
Working from home can be isolating and lonely sometimes and we're being asked to socially distance ourselves. You may find it easier to connect online with a co-worker and share screens while working from home. I have even heard some people are now live streaming their home office and they feel less alone and like they are maintaining connections. A phone call to an old friend for a chat or connecting with someone online can help support you to get through long days without socialising.
Sign out
While working from home the compulsion to check social media or watch your favourite Netflix series is increased dramatically because there is no one watching you to keep you accountable. Sign out of Facebook, Twitter, Reddit and Instagram and use your break time to check on socials mindfully. If you're super productive you may like to give yourself a reward by finishing a bit earlier one day and catching up on your favourite show then.
