Embracing emotions for self awareness and growth
There are times in life that are difficult, painful, and sometimes heart-wrenching. Interestingly, these times can often lead to significant personal growth. Emotions are data. They help us make sense of the world, provide meaning to our lives, and connect our mind and body. All rational thought and logic must arise from our emotional experiences; it is an illusion to think it can happen otherwise.
By learning to be present with and feel our emotions, we can harness deeper potential and strength. In mindfulness, this is called "turning toward" our emotions, an invitation to gently and carefully make space for and contain our feelings.
Join us to learn more about how to turn toward emotions in our next online introductory mindfulness course for leadership professionals, practitioners and educators. https://www.marionmiller.com.au/mindfulnessclass
Read my latest blog to find out more about embracing emotions mindfully https://www.marionmiller.com.au/post/embracing-emotions-mindfully-for-growth-self-awareness
Take a deeper dive into my most popular blog the mindfulness attitudes https://www.marionmiller.com.au/post/the-9-attitudes-of-mindfulness-mbsr