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Personal Development Coaching Program

  • 42Steps


This program is a personal and professional development coaching program designed to ignite untapped potential and create growth. Combining all the effective tools and strategies that Marion Miller has used in leadership and life coaching and also tested in her own life for more than 20 years. You can find them all here in one place and it in your own time because it is self paced. When this program is applied to your life it will enable extraordinary transformation and conscious change. Module 1: Defining Your best Life. Understand your values, explore your passion, ignite your self leadership and get organised. Module 2: Overcome Obstacles. Identify your obstacles, reduce your stress, boost resilience through reframing mindset and taking resilient action. Module 3: Building Your Self Confidence. Recognise your strengths, challenge your negative self talk, set goals and take action with courage and confidence. Module 4: Cultivating Healthy Relationships. Connect more in relationship, create a mastermind group, setting boundaries, manage conflict and communicate effectively. Module 5: Embracing Self-Care. Prioritise your physical health, cultivate emotional awareness, nourish your spiritual wellbeing, practice self compassion and work life balance. Module 6: Living with Purpose. Reflecting on meaningful experience, engaging in new activity, daily rituals, intention setting and brining it all together.


Single Payment
Empower Package


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