Finding Your Calling with Career Counselling & Coaching
The Coaching Journal
I've been writing for more than ten years in order to share some of the stories and insights I've cultivated on the path and in the work. My goal is to inspire my readers to embrace change and explore topics from life coaching and counselling, mindfulness and compassion, career counselling and leadership coaching. Sign up and I'll send you a curated collection of my writing in my monthly newsletter.
Boosting Your Energy and Motivation: A Holistic Approach
Empowering Career Coaching Strategies to Help Find Work You Love
Unlock Your Authentic Career Pathway with Professional Coaching
Navigating Career Transitions in Search of Purpose and Balance with Career Coaching in Melbourne
Navigating Your Career Jungle Gym: A Comprehensive Guide to Career Coaching and Development
Confidence vs. Courage in the Journey of Personal Growth & Life Coaching
A Leadership Coaching Guide to Organisation
Starting a Social or Environmental Project in Melbourne: Career and leadership Coaching
How To Go About Making Major Big Life Changing Decision
For more balance in your life & work, try managing your energy rather than your time.
Making a Big Change in Your Life or Work
Coaching Leading Women & The Confidence Myth.
Counselling & Coaching Strategies if You're Experiencing Bullying at School or in the Workplace.
The Courage to Shape your Career with Leadership Coaching
Choosing a purposeful direction: Holistic Career Counselling & Coaching Insights
Work-Related Stress Factors & Identifying System Issues at Work
Career Counselling For People Wanting Change & Growth
Resources to Help You Harness Your Creativity
How the SWOT tool can help you Craft a Conscious Career Path