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Writer's pictureMarion Miller

Changing Careers: Where to Begin & How To Get Started

You may have heard of the term the "great resignation" recently which describes the phenomena where professionals are leaving their positions in workplaces across Australia and overseas. Now is a good time and opportunity to change careers, apply for a promotion or shift industries because there's a growing number of available roles.

There are a lot of things to reflect upon when making a significant career move so here's a career counselling and coaching guide on where to start when planning your career change.

Intentions for your career change

Your intention really describes the motivating factors behind the career change. It's speaks to the why of career change and that can look different for everyone depending on their life stage and preference for how they want to work.

It's important to understand your why because it will help you clarify the what and next steps in planning your career progression.

Here's some common intentions our career counselling and coaching clients seek change.

• Learn and develop new professional skills

• Increase wealth, maximise financial reward and security

• Exercise your values, strengths and special talents

• Greater work life balance, less commute time

• Flexibility, control and more autonomy over your work

• Giving back to community or the environment through a cause

• Discover your passion and purpose

• Rise up the ranks, achieve high potential and lead teams successfully

• Entrepreneurship and creatively designing your own business, product or service.

Planning Your Career Change: Some Resources to Help

Once you know your intention for change the next part involves building a strategy around what that change is going to look like - that's what career counselling sessions are focussed on but if you're still not ready to take that step check out these free resources I have put together.

In The Coaching Journal under the Career & Leadership category is a great list of Career Focussed Ted Talks that can help you with the planning phase. If you're about interview for a new position and want to boost your confidence then have a listen to my YouTube video on Interviewing Confidently

Confucius said if you chose a job you love, you'll never have to work a day in your life. Read Work it: Career Coaching insights from Leading Business Schools like Harvard to get more insights on finding work you love.

You may also consider a one on one, 8-week Career Counselling package if you're seriously ready to take the next step in your career. Just fill in the intake form and I will be in touch.

Psychometric Assessment that can help your Career Change

If you're seeking to further understand how your abilities, talents and strengths can set you on career path that is meaningful you may consider using one of the many career assessment and personality profiling tools.

Some of the more popular ones that are available include Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), DISC (Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, Conscientiousness), Hermann Brain Dominance Instrument (HBDI) or Via Strengths Assessment. The DISC and Via Strengths Assessments are available on the internet for free and you can unpack your results in career counselling.

Career change can take some time and it's likely that it's been something that is something you have been stewing over for awhile. There can be a number of things that hold you back like fears both perceived and real and having some support and professional guidance can help you take the leap in right direction. Where there is a challenge there is usually an opportunity and a beautiful new career pathway just waiting for you to step into.


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